Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brant!!

On May 1st, we celebrated Brant's *14th* birthday! Unfortunately, due to a couple local cases of the Swine Flu (am I allowed to call it that???? hopefully PETA doesn't frequent my blog) and the resulting hysteria, some of our planned festivities needed to be postponed. Brant did, however, have a great night (all night) of his favorite pizza, Monster, Coldstone cake, airsoft, swimming, video games, and movies with three of his closest friends. Teenage boys are so much fun! I love listening to their nonsense talk, movie quotes, and incessant witty comments.

We are so very proud of the young man Brant has grown up to be. He is:





*full of interesting facts


*an entertaining and loving big brother

*a fun and entertaining "little" brother

*a meticulous pool boy

*a tireless landscaper

*competent and efficient at any given task

*a great running partner





Happy 14th Birthday, Brant! We love you so very much!!

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